Sunday 12 January 2014

A feeling for snow


Probably the most hated month of the year.

Filled with grey/blue light

and credit card bills.

So far,

no pretty snow.

Why can't the Heavens open

and cover the streets and rooftops

with a beautiful blanket

of winter white?

I'm rather tired

of the drab  coat

it's worn for so long now.


instead I dreamed of the old sea

the one where mermaids swim

with all

the fallen snowflakes

glittering in their hair.


  1. This would be a good week for snow as I don't have to work :) January is never the most exciting month, but I like to think it is a hopeful one as we embrace a new year xxx

  2. Ah Kathryn, I love your heart so much. I really do.


Pretty misty stars

A sound of birds singing

 It's early.  And almost a year since I was here. I hear a sound of birds singing  outside my window and a dog barking down the street. ...