Sunday 20 October 2013

Cheerful , orange.

Looking at the world

this week

through blurry eyes.


( slowly, slowly )

down the street of memories

remembering the bridges of Florence...

Il duomo....

The castle in Prague ~

and the streets and stairs  of Budapest

where we went on honeymoon.

Those silent,

loved filled days.

All of this because life has had

some hard edges.

Which memory softens.


Cheerful, orange orbs.

Being awake at the curve of the day

on Sundays

knowing I can slip back into the  dreamiest

softest sleep.

Imagining my loved ones

wrapped in the comfort of their duvets

oblivious to the world.

This morning I opened the window to the

waiting October air..


like Cashmere ~

it hit me.

Unforgivably gorgeous.


  1. Beautiful photos, my well travelled friend. I love all the orange - so pretty and seasonal. It is bliss being able to go back to sleep in the mornings. Sleep is the loveliest of sensations xxx

  2. Hello dear heart! Don't you just love the seasonal colours?
    I slept pretty much all weekend. It was awesome lol


Pretty misty stars

A sound of birds singing

 It's early.  And almost a year since I was here. I hear a sound of birds singing  outside my window and a dog barking down the street. ...