Sunday, 23 March 2014

Each other

It was so needed.

The complete getaway

from work,

from all the harsh edges

that life has thrown at us recently.

Trying to unmark the marks you made.

uncross the lines you crossed.

I / we craved that romantic castle

with turrets and open fires

and the dreamy four poster bed.

The way they came when

we lounged in front of the crackling fire ~

lit the candles

that flooded ( in only the way candles do)

the room with the softest light.

I read this , this week ~::~

* You are already a writer, if you love what you do*

So the words were written.

And  we watched the rooks that looked like black confetti in the sky

until their shape burned into our  eyelids.

Listened while the world sang the songs,


Rested my hand on your knee as you drove.

Dreamed of other castles,

long ago.

We dressed

our hearts

in what they love.

Each other.

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